Welcome to the Metafyzical Energy Family! We are very pleased to see you INVEST in YOURSELF!
You are amongst the smaller percentile, and are on your way to GREATNESS!
What your average person doesn't think about is the fact that our body's are like machines. If you continue to put low grade fuel in a high-grade engine, the engine will get dirtied up and lose its performance and power faster...ultimately leading to its own demise.
Every morning millions of Americans are powering up (or so they think) with HIGH caffeinated energy beverages from their local stores that have a multitude of synthetic (fake) ingredients inside of them. These tend to lead to headaches, body aches, chest pains, heart conditions, extreme crashes & fatigue mid day. Hard times waking up in the AM, restless sleep, weight gain....the list goes on to be honest.
And if Energy Drinks aren't your thing, then it must be coffee...
Now coffee itself (besides the super high caffeinated ones) isn't bad for you if you're drinking it black. However, MOST people are drinking their daily coffee with some form of dairy whether it be cream, milk, and not to mention...SUGAR. Lots and lots of sugar.
Lets take a quick look at the history of Energy drinks and supplements in the waves that they came out to better understand what is happening and why METAFYZICAL is now here!
WAVE 1- The coffee craze- Starbucks, Dunkin, Lattes, all that! Then some of us realized that coffee didn't work well after awhile and kind of started SLOWING us down more than helping us.
WAVE 2- Canned Energy Drinks- Redbull, Monster, Bang, Ghost, Celsius. Now THIS era REALLY got us hooked. Fruity, Sugary, Crispy, Synthetic PUNCHES in a cold carbonated can. Only issue was...after all that sugar and synthetic ingredients and dyes every single day, sometimes 2-3 times in a day!...There were inevitable consequences. Health issues, weight gain, increased levels of anxiety, chest pain, the list goes on... we had to do something different if we were to carry on in the best functional way.
WAVE 3- The "LIT TEA" era. THIS ONE was SO CLOSE to the mark and a lot of you might pounce on me for this one because you are AT this phase right now...but the "LIT TEA" contains MANY good, natural ingredients. The issue with it where the mark is off for us is 2 things; 1. The added sugar, flavoring (dyes), boba, and any other synthetic additive they offer to make the supplements "taste better" used daily are SURE to catch up with your mind and body and how fluid and well it operates. These teas also have VERY high caffeine contents that are honestly just unnecessary for what we are trying to achieve by drinking it in the first place! What goes up must comes down...never forget that. The 2nd part: MOST of these local mom and pop shops you THINK your friends worked so hard to attain themselves so you support it till the end are NOT what they seem. They are owned by an old pyramid scheme our parents all sold back in the day called "Herbal Life". When Herbal Life realized the jig was up, they had to get creative...what they did was offered local people to pretty much invest into them with a storefront of their own (appearing like a local shop, franchise of the sorts) but fronted them everything to do it with their products being used still in the stores. NO ONE local can sell there. ONLY herbal life products behind the counter can be used...THIS is deceptive and while maybe it gave a few people some opportunity to appear like an owner of a store and only make a % and commissions...I just cannot get with people supporting what they THINK is their own people, locals...and its just corporate behind closed doors.
THE MIGHTY 4th WAVE- The natural, nootropic, mushroom era.
By this Point, people have had it....they want a CLEAN source of energy and they are willing to try NEW THINGS to find it (you being one of them!) We have seen time take its time, and we have studied the results of all waves of energy thus far. The evidence is clear as day... PEOPLE WANT SOMETHING REAL THAT WILL NOT HARM THEM TO USE EVERY DAY! Can I get an AMEN or SOMETHING??? Anything that exists synthetically HAD TO BE FOUND in nature before it could be replicated...We are now finding that Nootropic Natural things, Mushrooms, Velvet Beans, ATP....all of these NATURAL THINGS do SO MUCH MORE for the brain than any of us could ever imagine. They do it SO MUCH CLEANER than what is offered on the shelves today. These ingredients work on your MIND rather than a jolt to the BODY and with EVERY PART of this being has been PROVEN to supplement our daily lives rather than TAKE from it!
With METAFYZICAL you will experience clean energy & focus, an uplifting of your mood and overall feeling of wellbeing, clarity of the mind, heightened productivity all with delicious flavors to choose from AND with NO SUGAR NO CRASH NO JITTER and NO ARTIFICIAL INGREDIENTS!